惠芬的世界: 又要换女佣了

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


今早女佣给我一封信,她说不知该如何开口向我说,所以用写的。哈!我心想,该不会是辞职信吧!不出我所料,想回去!大纲大概:开头写了一些很感谢和很客套的话,之后就是她所谓的难言之语了。她写:I was trying all my best to satisfy you in my work but i cannot, i failed (我们从没对她有过很高的要求,甚至还叫她别一直做家务,可以休息和我们一起在客厅看电视,so far 都还满意她,可是她太悲观了)my condition come worst, pain become worst, i don't want to give you much trouble if you will allow me to go home. I promise to pay you monthly, I will borrow money from my friends in Philipines (oh dear.....) and so on .............. 信里头也提到回去动手术是不用钱的,只须付医药费吧了!(是吗?)。

我和老公决定,能帮到那就帮。也就和agency表态,如果检查的结果是普通的肿瘤,我们会让她去动了手术之后再让她回去她的家乡. 如果是乳癌的话,那就没办法了,她就真的得被送回去了。Agency那边是说,其实我们可以退回给他们,而且也不需要为她安排动手术。因为他们看和接触太多了,菲佣大致上都不讲情的。我们只想能帮到那就帮吧!也不求回报。



Kate said...

女佣在申请work permit 时都有做检查的呀!怎么回轻而易举就拿到work permit 呢?遇到这种事,的缺是很伤脑筋的事。希望你能顺利的克服他。

Michelle said...

Hi 惠芬,

Actually i shouldn't say much thing on this but just would like to share with u my experience.

I had a maid last time too but give us a lot of problem. I find that no matter how gd we treat them, they also hv their excuse and end up she also run away from my house.

It's yr kindness to help her to do the operation but if anything happen they may blame u for doing such operation on her. They may not appreciate u if thing go wrong.

I m not looking down on them so far i had 3 maid before and no matter how gd we treat them, they use to tell lies. So do not trust them 100%. My friend is a maid agent and she also tell us that we have to be careful on what the maid tell us.

Sorry for saying so much. All the best to u!

Nicole Hah said...

hi 惠芬﹐


我也很贊成 Michelle 說的﹐以前我在馬來西亞也有聘請女佣﹐她是我們第一個也應該是最後一個﹐我媽是一個很隨和的人﹐媽媽從來沒有打罵過她﹐但是她卻對別人說我媽每天打她﹐罵她。。。媽媽真的是對她心灰意冷啊﹗

她更過份的是﹐趁媽媽回娘家的時候﹐和我們店里(咖啡店)的顧客在半夜的時候出去吃"宵夜". 還不止一次呢﹖



Eileen said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Hui Fen,

But I think not ALL the maid are so ungrateful and always tell lies. The world is becoming more and more leng3 mo4 because more and more ppl are having such thoughts! Why don't we just do our best to help and whether the other party ungrateful or what, at least we did something that is good and won't feel guilty (WHAT IF the other part/maid is NOT that kind of person), right?

I support Hui Fen and her husband thoughts! Hui Fen, go ahead with what you and your husband think should do. I understand they also meant well but is you and your husband type that will make this world/society more "friendly". If we keep think ppl are liar, don't want to give, in no time, we will be living in a very "COLD" society...now already cold liao.

We also want ppl to be good and trust us right?My philophosy is I rather ppl let me down then i miss the chance of helping ppl. Hui Fen, don't give up helping your maid since our "small" amount of money will help solve the maid problem(our small amount is a HUGE amount to them...some maid really very pitiful and have to pay loan to come here, is true)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10:55am,

Have you got maid b4? Do you know that 90% of the maids tell lies,they will do anything just to make you send her back. Since the agent also suggest to send the maid back to them,I believe they also know what's up the maid's sleeve.
If she got the lump when she's in philipines, I don't see why Huifen has to pay for the op. Anyway, if you think that is small $$$,may I suggest that you pay for her lor.

It's not your fault for her condition like that, how many can you help? Just do what you think is right and good luck to you for the next maid.


惠芬的世界 said...


Thanks for you advise. Yes, i agree what you said and also we have heard a lot about their story from others, mostly are the same. We will handle this case carefully, I will ask her to make her own decision.

Nicole & Eileen,
我明白你们的意思。以前我们小的时候也是用了好几个女佣,不是懒惰就是被男人给骗。因为父母白天都不在家,所以女佣太自由了。她们都不懂得自律。所以我对女佣是该给的就给但不可以宠。Maid Agent也对我们说过,不可以对她们太松,要看紧。

Anonymous 10:55am,
Yes, not all of them are ungrateful but I agreed with Gigi, most of them tell lies. Since she has insurance to cover for hosiptalisation, we will let her to do op then send her back to agent. That's only we can do for her. The reason of hiring maid is to help us to take care of my daughter and house keeping, so how can we keep a patient. 不是我们狠心,做善事归善事,但不是加重我们的负担和烦恼。

Thanks for your understanding.

AJ said...

Hi Huifen,

To employ maid must be very lucky, like me, i have 6 maids in 4 yrs and finally i decided to take a break for now, 1 sept just sent back maid no 6. Now so long i can manage i will not go for it until my no 2 go to P1...like u i put in all feelings, but in the end this is what i have....

previously i have a sick maid also, at first when they come i aso dont know until a while it began to show...no choice i have to send back to agency...cos she is abit deaf then everytime talk to her got to repeat or raise my voice, which i dont like to talk in loud...sigh!

Dont think too much...& good luck to u:D

Sherrie said...


惠芬的世界 said...

Wow, 6 maids in 4 yrs, must be very tired to keep on training new maid. Yes, if lucky will get a better one.

Thanks, hopefully I won't have a deaf maid, hehehe. Got to try our luck again.


Margaret said...
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Margaret said...


At first I was kind of worried that 你会太过感情用事but I'm glad after reading your thoughts above which shows that u have a clear mind. It's a blessing that your new maid has made her decision to leave given her circumstance, which give u a chance to quickly find another maid (hopefully yr daughter likes the new one). We get a maid to lighten our burden & not to burden us further. Get advice from your maid agency as they know how best to handle the matter since they might have faced similar situation before. Check if the maid insurance might be able to help her. All we can say is: it's just so unfortunate that this thing happened to u & your maid at her short term here. Hope she feels better knowing that she has your blessing to return home at peace.

Wish u good luck in your new maid.

惠芬的世界 said...

Yes, we have checked with agent, maid insurance is included of hospital & surgery. But she didn't want to operate here, she choose to go back.

Hope that i can get a better and healty maid next.