惠芬的世界: May 2007

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy & Cute cute


Friday, May 25, 2007

这几个星期都很忙,现在开始可以喘气了。再过两天就要飞去Darwin充电了。要好好的享受这四天的假期和我的宝贝的欢乐时光。回来后又得面对永远都做不完的工作和压力。好累哦!回家一看到宝贝就开心了。 昨晚girlgril睡得不好,整晚都没好好的睡,应该是因为上门牙要发长出来,有加上伤风,所以不是很舒服吧!她睡得好,我也睡得好,她睡不好,我也一样。当了母亲才真正了解母爱的伟大。

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Countdown to Darwin

还有21天就要飞去Darwin看sunset。We have booked a family apartment with 2 twin bed and 3 single bed @ AU$190 per night & rent 2 cars. So sad that my hubby can't go with us. These few days Mien and I try to seach for Darwin interest places to visit, not much information. Darwin is a small city, one day can finish sight-seeing, outer of Darwin much more places to visit, so have to plan our itenarary. Darwin we are coming soon.